BANGKOK 09 November 2018 — Ambassador to Thailand Mary Jo A. Bernardo-Aragon attended the soft opening and art tour of Bangkok Art Biennale 2018 (BAB) at the Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre on 17 October 2018.BAB is the international festival of contemporary art that is shown in various forms and context in many cities around the world. This year, artists around the world created contemporary art works that will be displayed for four months from 19 October 2018 to 03 February 2019 around major areas in Bangkok under the theme “Beyond Bliss”.

Mr. Mark Justiniani and Ms. Eisa Jocson (Maria Frances Ysabel Jocson) are the artists from the Philippines. Mr. Justiniani’s piece, “The Settlement” will be displayed in Emquartier, a mall within a busy sky train station while Ms. Joscon’s “Becoming White” will be displayed in O.P. Place, a mall popular for antique.

For more information, visit www.bangkokpe.dfa.gov.ph or https://www.facebook.com/PHinThailand.