With the unified global mission of containing the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Foreign Affairs personnel in their foreign service posts continue to partner with local health authorities and agencies in ensuring proper implementation of preventive measures and restrictions, and commit to attending to the needs of global Filipinos impacted by this pandemic.
Today, April 4 marks the 19th day of the Luzon-wide extended community quarantine in the Philippines. Other countries have chosen different approaches on quarantine restrictions and periods, as well as on lockdown measures to flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases.
Reports as of April 4 indicate an 11% increase in the number of confirmed cases involving overseas Filipinos around the world.
51 are new cases from the Americas, Asia Pacific, and Europe.
131 have recovered
343 are undergoing treatment.
43 deaths mostly coming from the Americas and Europe. For the past weeks, these two regions have also recorded the highest number of COVID-19 cases.