Philippine Embassy in Singapore and Utterly Art unveil rich collection of masterpieces for Art Trek 13

Ambassador Joseph del Mar Yap with the officers and staff of the Philippine Embassy. (Singapore PE photo)

Singapore — The Philippine Embassy in Singapore successfully opened Art Trek 13’s fifth exhibit “Rewind,” which was organized by Utterly Art Gallery on September 19, 2019.

Utterly Art Gallery’s curator and owner Dr. Keng Hock decided to exhibit its Philippine art collection, which he referred to as “rare gems from many years ago.”

Ambassador to Singapore Joseph del Mar Yap, in his remarks, agreed with Dr. Keng Hock that these paintings are indeed Philippine treasures, as they are reflective of the country’s rich cultural heritage.

Ambassador to Singapore Joseph del Mar Yap (left) with Utterly Art Gallery curator and owner Dr. Keng Hock (right) formally open the exhibition of Utterly Art Gallery. (Singapore PE photo)

The art works of contemporary and world-renowned Filipino artists, Mariano Ching, Kiko Escora, Fernan Escora, Michael Cacnio, Jeho Bitancor, Pandy Aviado, Melvin Culaba, Rendy de la Cruz, Norman Dreo, Juan Alcazaren, Randy Solon, Pedro Garcia, Kris Soguilon, Angelo Tabije, Jonathan Joven, Kat Casapao, were featured in the exhibit.

Philippine art collections at Utterly Art Gallery
Philippine art collections at Utterly Art Gallery
Philippine art collections at Utterly Art Gallery
Philippine art collections at Utterly Art Gallery

Already on its 13th year, Art Trek is an annual event organized by the Philippine Embassy, in collaboration with various Singapore galleries, to showcase and promote the works of Filipino artists. It has become the centerpiece of the Embassy’s cultural diplomacy program and the only existing program from a Philippine Foreign Service Post that has lasted through the years.

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