Travel restrictions extended in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Department of Foreign Affairs informs the public that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as announced through the Ministry of Interior (MOI), has extended until further notice the original 16-day lockdown period being implemented by the Kingdom for both government offices and private companies as part of the containment measures to further contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Also extended are the suspension of international and domestic flights, except for inbound Saudi citizens and health/medical workers, and prohibition on entering and leaving the three cities (Makkah, Madinah and Riyadh), as well as moving to and from the 13 regions of the Kingdom including bus, taxi and train activities.

The DFA advises our OFWs to check with their employer or agency for impending trips to Saudi Arabia and adjust their travel plans accordingly.

The DFA reminds the Filipino public to remain vigilant and accurately informed as countries/territories impose and/or adjust travel restrictions that may affect Filipino travelers and gives the assurance of its close monitoring of all the precautionary measures in response to the situation and for the benefit of the Filipino community.

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