10 years ago, we launched Balikbayan Magazine.The Philippines was such a different country back then—many things have certainly changed. Whether it’s new high-rise commercial and residential buildings illuminating the night sky, the sound of constant construction, international restaurant and hotel chains sprawling about nationwide, major corporations setting up regional headquarters, more foreigners walking around and dining out and shopping, to vibrant cities maturing such as Bonifacio Global City—all of these are clear indicators that progress has been made. The country continues to
rapidly develop and it’s a very exciting time for all of us that love the Philippines.
Within this progress and decade, we have also grown along with it. We have ventured out from serving you with our print publications to providing you with useful digital platforms and community events to further empower you—the influential, prosperous, vibrant, and
remarkable community that you are. Don’t ever forget how important you are to the Philippines and all the lives you impact. That is why our magazine is distributed in 60 countries—to serve you and the other 10 million Filipinos living and working all around the World.
The words “If you build it, they will come” is so true. Although it may take time, we’ll surely get there. That is why to conclude this decade, on the cover is the beautiful, serene, and World’s largest Statue of Mother Mary located in Batangas, the Philippines. What began as a dream and vision is now realised and completed. And we hope to see you there.
Yes many things have changed, but what will never change is our love of country. That is why we look forward to inspiring you to travel and invest back home in the Philippines for another decade and beyond. Happy Holidays and see you in 2020, 2030, and beyond.